
Hi there! I’m Allie, the owner/operator of Planted Seeds Farm, with the help and support of my high school sweetheart, Daniel. We have three kiddos, a sweet doggie, and 2 kitties. My husband owns his own business in the automotive industry, and I homeschool our 2 big kiddos with our little one nearby. Inspiring their love of learning is one of my greatest joys. I have a degree in Zoology and a Masters in Environmental Science, both from Miami University, where I studied watersheds and aquatic ecology. I have always had a passion for God’s creation (bugs, birds, trees; all of it amazes me), and I love encouraging others’ hearts and growing in true community. My passion and ministry meet here. This little flower farm allows me to work with my hands alongside my children, create something beautiful, and share joy and love in a way I could never have imagined. We have certainly been blessed in the process of bringing these simple flowers to you. It is our hope that you leave our little corner of the country feeling the same blessings.

Allie and Dan

When we purchased this piece of property in 2020, we had little farming experience but could see a big garden in our future. The land had several foundations and concrete structures, with the previous home having burned down in the 1970s. Since then, it sat empty and became somewhat of the local “dump.” Restoring the land required immense excavation and removal of loads of tires, trash, mattresses, couches— you name it, we found it buried under brush and honeysuckle. The field where our flowers now reside was once a giant slab of concrete, possibly feeding or milking stalls. Therefore, soil restoration has been a main priority for us, and we hope to see this space flourish even more as we add nutrients back in year after year.

Allie Wagner

Land Management

The health of our soil is a top priority for everything we do here at Planted Seeds Farm. We pull weeds on our hands and knees, plant native plants and those known to deter certain pests, handpick invasive plants and beetles, and use mulch to suppress weeds instead of fabric coverings that often squelch healthy microbiomes below the surface. We’ll take some extra weeds if it means caring well for this land. We’ve come a long way from where we started but can’t wait to see what’s in store!

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